We scour the world, sourcing from the very best suppliers on offer to ensure all our uniforms are produced to the highest quality.

Fabric is sourced from China, Thailand and Indonesia with garments produced by skilled sewing machinists and workers in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

Rapid response units are also on hand to weave fabric and sew garments in Europe and Turkey, Eastern Europe and North Africa.

We assess all our suppliers and they are all required to accept our sourcing policy.

This is based on the requirements of the United Nations Charter, with specific reference to workers’ rights and working conditions. As such, our factories only employ healthy adults and pay fair wages.

We check water, quality control air flow and hold fire drills regularly. High rise buildings are accredited to the ‘Accord’ Standard for structural integrity and fire safety.

We employ structural engineers, nurses and doctors to look after our factories and their workforce.

We do all this to maintain not only our own good reputation for staff management and health but your reputation too.


All our supply mills are accredited to OEKO-TEX Standard 100 which tests for the use of harmful chemicals and ensures safe chemical treatment and minimum resins. They all comply with local laws on effluent cleaning.

Sedex members

We are members of Sedex, which is a collaborative platform aimed at companies working to a high standard to manage their performance around Labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics.

BSCI Compliant

Our factories are all accredited to WRAP (Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production) or the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) that ensures fair pay, regulation hours of work, a healthy environment and no child labour.

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